Mali Losinj - panoramic view Skveric, Mali Lošinj, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
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Mali Losinj - panoramic view Skveric, Mali Lošinj, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia

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10o C 63% 1026 hPa

The panoramic view of Mali Lošinj offers a truly impressive view of the shipyard. In front you can probably see boats of all sizes. The biggest are usually in the left part of this live streaming, mostly Jadrolinija's ships, while larger fishing boats are in the middle, and the smaller ones on the right side.

Blue colors of the Adriatic with the colorful buildings extending to the right side, dominates on this live stream Above the colorful façades, before the celestial blue, there is a dark green pine forest, specific for the coastal area.

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