Video - Jarun - rowing track
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Sveta Nedelja is a picturesque place not far from Zagreb, which rises next to the old Samobor road and…
The city with 26,000 inhabitants is located 17 km west of Zagreb. Zaprešić and its surroundings offer…
The highest peak of Medvednica is Sljeme, 1033 meters high. The Medvednica Mountain is one of the most…
Only 16 kilometers from the city of Zagreb is Velika Gorica. It is a place of rich history and numerous…
The picturesque town with the French style, only 20 kilometers from the Croatian metropolis, will charm…
Sesvete is one of the 17 Zagreb city districts located on the eastern edge of the city of Zagreb. They…
The Lipa mountain lodge is located on the easternmost slopes of Medvednica, in an area called Strmina…
In the calmness of the gentle Zagorje hills lies town Oroslavje, not far from Zagreb. It is located…
Description: Razbijač mekoga srca, tako bi se mogao opisati Stipe Miočić, jedan od ponajboljih MMA boraca i najbolji teškaš UFC-a…
Mnogi su ljudi čuli za pojam “sportski turizam”, ali nisu u potpunosti sigurni što to zapravo znači. Sportski turizam je putovanje…
While kayaking once served only for surviving, today it has developed into tourism, recreation and sport. When we talk about a sport,…
Croatia has a lot of successful athletes and among them there are the amazing rowers – golden brothers Sinković. Numerous successes…
This Saturday the Dragon Boat Festival at Jarun form 10am to 2pm!
35th edition will be held from 14.- 15. April 2018. at the RŠC Jarun in Zagreb