Sljeme - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia


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The highest peak of Medvednica is Sljeme, 1033 meters high.

The Medvednica Mountain is one of the most recognizable symbols of the city of Zagreb and the popular tourist hub of Zagreb, which can be reached by road or by walking - hiking. From 1963 to 2007, Sljeme could also be reached by a tourist cable car, and after the end of its work, there is a bus line to Sljeme.

At Sljeme you can enjoy the terrace overlooking the hillside above the ski slopes where you can look at the Zagorje side.

Sljeme is an ideal place for hiking, trekking, mountain biking, and in the winter months skiing, sledding, snowboarding. Numerous mountain and ski lodges and restaurants can be enjoyed on Sljeme, where you can enjoy local food and a real mountain atmosphere.

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