Canoe and Kayak on Wild Waters - Excellent results of Croatian canoeists - Blog - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Canoe and Kayak on Wild Waters - Excellent results of Croatian canoeists

Canoe and Kayak on Wild Waters - Excellent results of Croatian canoeists

While kayaking once served only for surviving, today it has developed into tourism, recreation and sport. When we talk about a sport, we distinguish two boat performances - kayak and canoe. Kayaking rowers use a paddle with two shovels, and canoe rowers use only one. Unlike kayaks and canoes on calm waters, rowing on wild waters has been much later awarded the title of Olympic Sports.

Maybe not so popular sport like "standard" sports, a kayak and a canoe on wild waters deserve great respect, admiration and much more media space.Not easy at all, actually, a very demanding sport in which our canoeists made brilliant results encouraged us to dedicate this text to them.


KKK Končar is one of the oldest kayak-canoe clubs in the region, and it can boast of the highest number of trophies. The idea of the club is focused on the development of this kind of sport as well as the preservation of natural resources. In addition to the professional sports program, there is also a recreational part that offers a lot of content and activities for all ages throughout the whole year.

Sports achievements and successes

As we mentioned earlier, KKK Končar has trophies and medals in a really enviable number, and all this can be thanked to successful, hard-working and persistent boys. Apart from the fantastic results at smaller competitions, there are also results that write history. So Ivan Tolić won the 1st place in C-2 at the Euro Cup in 2015, while Antonio Obadić deserved a third place. Together with other team members, they also participated in the European Senior Championships in Banja Luka as well as in the world's senior U23 USA and achieved excellent results both individually and in the team.

Tomislav Crnković can also boast of top achievements. He has the title of even a double world champion. He was also a coach of the Croatian national team, and in 2007 he was choosen for a representative of the Croatian Kayak Association.

And as a sugar for the end of the KKK Končar story, we must mention the fantastic results from last week's competition in Slovenia where Emil Milihram has become the European Canoe Champion for the sixth time. In addition to Emil's gold medal which he deserved in C-2 sprint, combination Ivan Tolić-Luka Obadić was sixth, and "trio" Milihram, Tolić and Gojić carried the bronze in 3xC1 classically.

KKK Zagreb

On the left side of the Sava River is located KKK Zagreb, whose primary goal is to develop a kayak canoe sport through regular training of members and athletes, as well as ecological preservation of water and the environment. Within the club, there is also a kayak school for all those who want to try this exciting water sport.

Sports achievements and successes

As the first successful canoeist, we want to highlight Danko Herceg. In 1990 he was the world's junior slalom champion, while in 1995 he returned home with team silver medal in the Nottingham World Championship, followed by Stjepan Perestegi and Zlatko Sedlar. He also competed four times at the Summer Olympics, and for the two consecutive years, he was third in the World Cup. And when we talk about younger canoeists, there is Matija Marinić who achieved excellent results, winning the gold medal in the European Championship in France in 2013. Dinko Mulić, Marko Mrkoci, Andrej Glücks and many other canoeists of KKK Zagreb are also excellently successful.

KKK Varteks

On the right side of the river Drava, in Drava Park, there is KKK Varteks, which has about 60 registered members regularly participating in numerous competitions. KKK Varteks also participates in organizing races such as the Croatian Championship of Downhill and the Sprint for the Cadets and Juniors, the Varaždin Kayak-canoe marathon and the Siniša Razlog Memorial. In addition to a sports-competitive part, there is a kayak school as well as a recreational kayak team.

Sports achievements and successes

KKK Varteks can boast impressive results from both male and female part of the team. The title of the state champion in the category K-1 is carried by Roko Bengeri (cadet), while Maja Šimac (junior) is in the same category with the golden medal, too. David Šestak is in the same category in amazing second place, just like Klara Dvorski.The title of the national champion also carries cadets crew David Šestak-Lovro Kukec-Jan Petrić. And also from the women's team, it is certainly worth mentioning our junior, Katja Benger, who in the C-1 category deserved the title of the national champion.

We congratulate to all of our canoeists, and we also want them a lot of success and medals in future competitions!


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