Pag's bigest feast - news - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Pag's bigest feast

Pag's bigest feast

Since 1855, there is a venerable procession in Pag, where the statue of the Mother of God from the Old Town, accompanying by thousands of prayers and believers, is caring in the Main church in the center of Pag on the Assumption Day.

According to the tradition, the statue of the mother of God will remain in the Main church until the September 8, when the statue will be returned to the shrine in the Old Town. This is the biggest holiday of Pag - Stomorina Paška. Believers from all over the island come to Pag, and most of them walk a night before from their places to the Shrine to pray to the Mother of God. In the intercession of the Mother of God, Pag is miraculously liberated from cholera, which was then harassed throughout southern Croatia. The procession was spontaneous, when people from Pag cried and prayed, took the statue of Mother of God and brought it to Pag. The procession was led by Pag’s priest then, Don Šime Meštrović. The last victims of the epidemic were buried on the day of St. Rok on August 16th. This miraculous cessation of the epidemic the people of Pag was attributed by the intercession of the Mother of God and they vowed that each year on the Assumption Day they would bring the statue in Pag and that for 22 days in a row in the Main church the prayers will be praid.

The night before the Assumption Day the whole night vigil take the place in the sanctuary of the Mother of God from the Old Town, and on the Assumption Day except the whole day holly masses, at 6pm begins the procession with the statue of Mother of God from the Old Town to the Main Church in Pag.

You can watch live stream via our webcam, the arrival of the procession on the main square where the Main church is located. After the holly mass you can enjoy the Intrade singing concert at the main square.

Photography: Elvis Šmit

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