Kindergarten Mendula in Pirovac
Published: 07.12.2020.
Children from Pirovac should move into the new Mendula kindergarten at the beginning of next year.
The municipality of Pirovac is among many municipalities and cities in Croatia that withdrew significant money from European funds for the construction of a new kindergarten facility.
Mendula Kindergarten should open its doors soon. The use permit is on hold and then preparations for moving in.
Work on the construction of the new kindergarten facility began in late September last year and the plan was for everything to be completed by the start of the new pedagogical year. However, due to bad weather conditions and the coronavirus epidemic, the works only slowed down, they were never completely interrupted.
The kindergarten project has been talked about for decades, and with the construction of a new kindergarten, there are also crèches. The new kindergarten is designed for 60 children, two kindergartens and one nursery group, according to all pedagogical standards, and has 30 square meters of gross area per child.
It is interesting that instead of the classic foundation stone, the kindergarten children inserted a brass time capsule with their drawings under the first shovel of concrete. Kindergarten is literally the basis of a new, well-organized and prosperous Pirovac, where young people have a job and their children are of the highest pre-school standard.