Enjoy Krk Bike Story - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Enjoy Krk Bike Story
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Enjoy Krk Bike Story

  • 16.04.2022. - 08.05.2022.
  • 2 camera online
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  • 1.44M View(s)

Krk’s offer is complemented by a tourist story on two wheels

The tourist boards of the island of Krk continue with the campaign called Visit Krk Island - A Place To Call Home and provide guests with an insight into everything that makes the island of Krk really special and distinguishes it from other holiday destinations.

On Krk, you can choose an activity that will connect you with natural beauty, but also traditional, historical or cultural heritage. Through three attractive cycling tours, Krk Bike Story: Family Story, Romantic Story and Adrenaline Story.

In April and May, the focus of the campaign is to promote a rich offer of active holidays on the island of Krk, which has hundreds of kilometers of cycling and hiking trails and many other outdoor activities such as zipline, surfing, climbing, diving, sailing. The campaign aims to present the existing offer of activities on the island, but also new, predetermined routes, tailored to the specific needs of potential visitors.

The first in line is Krk Bike Family Story (April 16. and 17.), Krk Bike Romantic Story (April 23. and 24.), Krk Adrenaline Story (May 7. and 8). Join the interactive experience on two wheels, get acquainted with the island's gastronomy, discover the treasures of the Frankopan princes of Krk, get to know the romantic side of the island of Krk, enjoy sports and beautiful views of the island of Krk.

#KrkBikeStory  #KrkFamilyBikeStory  #cycling #Biking #MTB #islandKrk #Krklive #aplacetocallhome #krkoutdoorexperience



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