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- 29.01.2020.
- 4 camera(s)
The first Croatian cities without disposable plastic
Do you know that the total consumption of plastic bags in Croatia is around 200 bags per capita per year? That means 830 million bags a year in total. Putting these bags in a row, we would bridge the distance from Earth to the moon, or gird the Earth…
- 27.10.2018.
- 19 camera(s)
LIveCamCroatia - Your meteo station!
An unexpectedly long indian summer went on until the autumn.
- 23 camera(s)
LiveCamCroatia - Your Weather Station!
After the extreme heat here comes the storm
- 09.03.2018.
- 2 camera(s)
Rise of river water
With a sudden increase in air temperature, a more intense snow-melting process began throughout the country affecting the rise of river water.