The 13th Days of Honey, the fair started - news - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
The 13th Days of Honey, the fair started

The 13th Days of Honey, the fair started

Honey days in Pazin

International sales exhibition of beekeeping equipment, products and professional educational gatherings, featuring altogether 110 exhibitors from all over Croatia and neighboring countries. It is one of the most visited events in Pazin and this year continues the initiative for further valorization and promotion of this high-value good, which is food, treat and medicine. In addition to the rich program and the award ceremony for the best-rated honey types, you will be able to try a rich gastronomic offer of dishes and delicacies of indigenous Istrian cuisine enriched with bee products and products in restaurants in central Istria. All this in order to strengthen the gastronomic offer of central Istria and to further connect OPGs, beekeepers and caterers in the period of the preseason. Come and enjoy the bee delicacies. Entrance to the exhibition and all lectures is free and is open to all interested visitors.

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