New webcam in the center of Povljana - news - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
New webcam in the center of Povljana

New webcam in the center of Povljana

As we promised, with a view to the harbour and waterfront, now you watch live stream of all important events in the center of Povljana at St. Jurja square.

View from the bell tower of the parish church St. Jurja at the same name square and the center of Povljana and a children's playground. Here are all important events taking place, and in the heart of the tourist season, here you can watch the concerts or the performances of the traditional dances of the Pag's folk costumes. We recommend the traditional meeting of the "Povljana Klapa" in this beautiful ambience. This competition is one of the most important klapa encounters in the Zadar region, but also choirs from all over Croatia.

By the summer season Povljana gets a third camera overlooking the most famous beach -  Dubrovnik!

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