Skrad - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia


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Gorski kotar will surprise you with its natural beauty, no matter how you are prepared for it, and in summer it is ideal for cycling, hiking and food, a paradise for active vacation, relaxation and absolute enjoyment.

Along with the former Lujzinska road, which connects Karlovac with Rijeka, the town of Skrad is located deep in the forests of Gorski Kotar. With its 900 inhabitants, Skrad is one of the smallest municipalities in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.
By the end of the 19th century, the settlement became known as the climatic recovery and resting place. The construction of the railway it became the right tourist center of this county. In the winter there was another story and Skrad was converted into a favorite ski destination, and on the slopes of Skradinski vrh in 1935 the first ski jumping was built.
The hydro power plant Munjara was the first hydro power plant in Gorski kotar and the second in Croatia. Zeleni vir and Devil's Passage are places what you must see while you're there. Zeleni vir is a powerful source located at the bottom of the cave, and it is named after the emerald green color of the lake whose spring is not even noticeable in the cave. Devile's Passage is a very narrow and somewhat scary canyon through which flows the mountain stream. At the end of the Devil's Passage is a cave of Muž's cottage where at the end of the corridor is a small hall with a lake. The water temperature in the cave is constant throughout the year and its most famous resident is the human fish - the rarest specimen of our fauna. Permanent residents of this area are special kind of lizards. High humidity and relatively low temperatures favored the development of a special ecosystem in this part of the canyon.
If you decide to travel via old Karlovac - Skrad road, this is a place where you have to stop because you will experience all the charms of untouched mountain nature!

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