Rugvica - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia


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The municipality of Rugvica is one of the municipalities of Zagreb County, consisting of 23 settlements. The municipality is named after the settlement Rugvica, which is located in the central part of the municipality. In the north it borders Zagreb, in the east with Dugo Selo, in the south with Ivanić Grad, while the western border is the Sava river, which divides it from the municipality of Orle. The municipality of Rugvica celebrates its day on September 7th. It is also home to the largest economic zone. More recently, computer manufacturing and assembly, and centers such as the Ralu logistics center and the IKEA retail chain, have been significant. There is a plant breeding institute in Rugvica, a demonstration farm for the cultivation of the misanthus energy plant, which is used in the production of biofuels. INA has its own plantations there.

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