Merag - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia


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On the eastern side of the island Cres, there is a small fishing place Merag and the same name ferry port. This settlement administratively belongs to the town of Cres, and the road from the port leads to the city and to the ferry port Porozina.

As the island of Cres is known for its numerous promenades and paths, there is also a 4.5-kilometer Cres-Merag hiking trail that begins at the northern exit of Cres and leads to the remains of the Romanesque church of St. Bartholomew. And there is a stone road that leads to Merag.

In the vicinity of the place, there is the Merag Pit - one of the most impressive locations of the island of Cres, but also of Croatia. It is a great tectonic pit covered in dense, thick moss and laurel crown. As the Merag Pit is a fascinating phenomenon, there are often organized excursions to this location, so all adventurers can enjoy exploring this beautiful green fairy tale.

Although a small town, Merag offers top-quality apartments and holiday homes with stunning views of the sea and the islands. This small place is created for all those who want to enjoy the quiet, peace, sun and the sea. It is also a perfect destination for families with small children who want to escape from the noise and the city's lifestyle. And for any additional content just go to the town of Cres which has a variety of offers for all ages.

#merag #cres #ferryport #churchofstbartholomew #meragpit #cityofcres

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