Marija Bistrica
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The most famous and most visited sanctuary of Mother of God in Croatia is the National Shrine of the Mother of God of Bistrica in Marija Bistrica. Located between the gentle hills of Hrvatsko zagorje. In Marija Bistrica, faithful crowds have flourished from all over Croatia and abroad for centuries ; but also the individuals who come here in the silence of personal pilgrimage, seeking and finding their spiritual peace. Bistrica's name comes from a stream that runs through the place.
The statue of the Mother of God of Bistrica, which dates back to the 15th century, was struck with a miracle by a great fire in which the whole church was damaged except the main altar with the statue of Mother of God Bistrička, and from that day it is considered as a miracle.
Many gracious messages have been written at this shrine since the very beginning of his existence so far, which is proved by the love and respect of the Croatian people towards the Mother of God. Apart from the fact that many pilgrimages are organized, apart from the fact that people from Croatia are coming to visit every day, but also from all over the world, there are many miracles, healings, and even apparitions of Our Lady.