Majske Poljane - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Majske Poljane

Majske Poljane

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Majske Poljane is a village in the town of Glina, Sisak-Moslavina County.

They are located at 191 meters above sea level on an area of 16.20 km². According to the 2011 census report, there were 205 inhabitants., mostly Serbs (71%) and Croats (29%). Majske Poljane is entered from two directions and over two bridges on the river Maja, which separates them practically from the center of Glina. One from the main road to Petrinja, and the other from the main road to Dvor. The village has no water supply, people have wells, no public transport, no shops. People live off the treasures in the barn, several work in the wood industry and only one in public administration.

During the earthquake earthquake near Petrinja 2020, Majske Poljane was the hardest hit by the earthquake of all, ie with the most damage of all settlements.

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