With Vatreni to the victory! - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
With Vatreni to the victory!
  • Event & Site

With Vatreni to the victory!

  • 11.07.2018. - 11.07.2018.
  • 18 camera online
  • 0 camera offline
  • 27.54M View(s)

Tonight we breathe like one, palms are sweating , lips are biting  and the vocals are snapped!

After 20 years Vatreni again have the chance to enter the World Championship finals! Croatia is just a game away from the biggest result in the history of our football!

We believe in our Vatreni and we know they can win!

Let's support them and cheer as much as we can!

Let's goooooooooo Vatreniiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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