The Festivity of Saint Blaise - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
The Festivity of Saint Blaise
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The Festivity of Saint Blaise

  • 24.01.2024. - 04.02.2024.
  • 4 camera online
  • 0 camera offline
  • 132.81K View(s)
The city of Dubrovnik declared 2024 the "Year of UNESCO World Heritage", which marks the 45th anniversary of the inscription of the historic center of Dubrovnik on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the 15th anniversary of the inscription of the Feast of St. Vlaha on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and the entry of archival funds from the period of the Republic of Dubrovnik on the Memory of the World list last year.
This year marks the 1052nd celebration of Dubrovnik's traditional festivity in honor of its patron saint, St. Blaise. 

This traditional celebration starts on the day of Our Lady of Candelora, February 2, the festivities include the release of white doves symbolizing freedom and peace and the raising of St. Blaise's banner on Orlando's column. Secular activities abound, with restaurants offering winter delicacies, exhibits, and concerts dedicated to St. Blaise. The city walls showcase over a hundred stone depictions of the patron saint.

Each year on February 2, when Dubrovnik celebrates Our Lady of Candelora, people repeat the old dictum: "Candelora, winter goodbye, Saint Blaise follows her and says it is a lie." Truly, on that day, when continental cities are drenched in torrential rain and the rest of Europe is often caked in ice, Dubrovnik is full of mimosas, almonds in full bloom and sunny spring days.On the day of the festivity itself, February 3, numerous faithful and church dignitaries come to the City from nearby areas carrying the saint's relics across Stradun and city streets in a solemn procession, and under a baldachin is the greatest of all relics, the shroud of Jesus.

The Saint Blaise festivity is also the Day of the City of Dubrovnik, which is why apart from religious ceremonies these days are rich in various activities.

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