Istria Grandfondo - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Istria Grandfondo
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Istria Grandfondo

  • 05.10.2018. - 07.10.2018.
  • 4 camera online
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  • 4.81M View(s)

Cycling is one of the most popular forms of sports and recreation in Northwestern Istria, which is proven by many local events aimed at lifestyle enthusiasts on two wheels. It is also one of the key determinants of tourism development outside of the summer season, attracting more and more domestic and foreign visitors every year. The wide variety of cycling trails, natural beauty and rich gastronomic offerings are just some of the reasons that make this destination popular and recognizable among cycling enthusiasts.

The title of the leading bike event is certainly carried by the Istria Grandfondo, the international marathon whose premiere was in 2012. and since then every autumn attracted several hundred participants with good will and competitive spirit.

For the 7th year in a row, the international, cycling, autumn marathon Istria Granfondo, this year with an even richer program, will be held from 5th to 7th October with start and finish in the coastal Istrian towns of Umag and Novigrad. Granfondo has recently become a very popular form of road cycling. The marathon drives through the most beautiful Istrian roads along the sea and among the vineyards in the hinterland of northwestern Istria.

The race implies a spontaneous ride of many participants, ranging from contestants in excellent shape to families and casual recreational cyclists, so you will also choose your own route by your affinity and physical readiness from one of three routes:

Granfondo Small (91 km) or Istria Granfondo Classic (127 km), which run on Saturday with a start in Umag and are designed for experienced bikers. They pass through the central parts of the Istrian peninsula and return to Northwest Istria. 6 refreshing stations were prepared for the recovery of all participants.

Or you will choose the recreational route Granfondo Family & Gourmet Tour (25km) on Sunday which is designed for those who are inclined to a leisurely ride, suitable for families with children . The route goes through Novigrad and its surroundings, along the sea, olive groves and vineyards, and the participants will enjoy the views and tastings of Istrian delicacies at refreshing stations.

Rich program offers famous biking brands in the Expo zone, children's program, zumba kids and rich gourmet offer and the most important – the great atmosphere!

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