Daffodil day
Daffodil day- 23.03.2020. - 23.03.2020.
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Daffodil day was first held in Toronto, Canada in 1957, organized by the Canadian Cancer Society. Afterwards, Daffodil day spread throughout Canada and among other cancer organizations all over the world, and in Croatia in 1997, organized by students of the Faculty of Defectology. Daffodil day is one of the most important events in the world when it comes to expressing support for all cancer patients.
Daffodil ultimately presents hope for the future without cancer as the first and most resilient spring flower. About 10,000 varieties and the names of this flower can be identified with so many forms of hope for the people with cancer.
Daffodil day marks the first spring Saturday in many cities of Croatia and for many years has an important role to play in public awareness of the ways and importance of early detection of breast cancer. The goals of the action are to raise awareness of women and to encourage to go to mammography and UZ breast on time. By buying daffodil, known worldwide as a symbol of hope for people with cancer , because waking and flowering in the spring symbolizes hope for healing and becoming a part of the humanitarian act itself.