Ina Delta Rally Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Ina Delta Rally Croatia
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Ina Delta Rally Croatia

  • 07.06.2019. - 08.06.2019.
  • 1 camera online
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  • 958.56K View(s)

"INA Delta rally" represents the oldest, most difficult and most popular car race in the Republic of Croatia, and is rated one of the best in this part of Europe. Founded in 1974 by the then organizer Auto-moto company "INA" from Zagreb, as "INA-delta TLX rally"

This year, 45th INA Delta Rally will be held in Zagreb, 2019

This automotive rally race is run on the roads in Sesvete, Dugo Selo and Zagreb, the wider Bundek and Sljeme area. In order to secure the aforementioned races, a temporary traffic regulation will be established which provides for a complete ban on traffic for all vehicles and pedestrians.

SATURDAY, 1.6.2019.
10: 00-13: 00
Rally Kids Day Trg bana Josipa Jelačića
Distribution of promotional material, J. Jelačić Square and the center of the town
WEDNESDAY, 5.6.2019.
The Press Conference - INA, d.d., Av. V. Holjevca 10

THURSDAY, June 6, 2019
12: 00-18: 00
Verification and technical inspection - "Tokić EC", Slavonski avenija
Opening Ceremony - Start of the podium, Trg bana Josipa Jelačić
Ceremonial start - Start podium, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića
Open party - Café J.Franck, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića

FRIDAY, 7.6.2019.
11: 00-14: 00
Shakedown-Dugo Selo, Martin Breg
PBI-1, INA-1, (prolog) - Av. V. Holjevca, Bridge of Freedom, Bundek
BI-2, Marting Coast 1
Dugo Selo, Kolodvorska 1
BI-3, Marting Breg 2
PBI-4, INA-2 (prolog) - Av. V. Holjevca, Bridge of Freedom, Bundek

SATURDAY, 8.6.2019.
09:59 BI-5, Sljeme 1
11:02 BI-6, Laz 1
11:55 BI-7, Šestine 1
Servicing and regruping
Zagreb Fair
14:33 BI-8, Sljeme-2
15:36 BI-9, Laz-2
16:29 BI-10, Šestine-2

The aim of the relay and division of awards - Target podium, Trg bana Josipa Jelačić

Closing Press Conference - J.Franck Café, Ban Josip Jelačić Square

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