25th Bušari from Đakovo - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
25th Bušari from Đakovo
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25th Bušari from Đakovo

  • 16.02.2019. - 17.02.2019.
  • 2 camera online
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  • 62.70K View(s)

Starting from the history when this carneval period in Đakovo masked Bušari went through the houses and performed all kinds of jokes and songs to the hosts from who they were donated, in 1994. Đakovo founded a carnival called Đakovo bušari.

The Bušari from Đakovo are by number of participants and visitors the largest carnival of eastern Croatia with a large carnival parade and Gastrofest. On the streets of the city there will be lively customs, songs, dance and crazynest. Tradition associated with the lent period, customs, food and way of life and is thus kept away from oblivion. This year by the 25 time the town of Đakovo becomes a cradle of carnival customs on February 16th. Winter Gastrofest is held as part of the Bušari from Đakovo.


The event itself consists of the Carnival Gastro Festival – “Fasting dishes (mrsna i nemrsna jela) during the carnival and Lent”, tasting and evaluating of sausages and the main event of the Bušari of Đakovo – the Carnival parade. Around 4000 participants from all over the country are gathered in a few days and the program is accompanied by about 10000 people. In front of the Town Administration building the ceremony of the establishment of the Bušari Republic, the Bušari “take over” the government and the Mayor hands over the Town’s keys to the Bušari. Then the carnival parade moves to the City's Educational-Sports Hall, where the best masks will be chosen.

Except from the whole of Croatia, in this year's parade are also expected maska groups from Slovenia and Hungary, also the equestrians with the custom of riding in the period of carnival.



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