Znjanski plateau renovation live Split, Split, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
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Znjanski plateau renovation live Split, Split, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia

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  • Longitude 16.4780
  • Latitude 43.5023
  • Publicaton date 13. February 2024.


10o C 25% 1025 hPa
Works on the reconstruction of Žnjan have begun.
In the coming period, the area of Znjan will be a large construction site where several parallel operations will take place.
The development of the coastal zone, the Znjan Plateau, is planned in stages.  You can follow all stages live stream through this webam
1st phase - coastal promenade (lungo mare with all the necessary infrastructure in the hull) and beaches spaces, so that the swimming pool continues to function in daily use
2nd phase - zone A and B project with three pavilion buildings, landscaping and underground garage and substation
3rd phase - completion of the promenade on the cape and the project of the building with the observation deck on the roof
4th phase - pavilion C-U2 project with landscaping of the entire zone C
5th phase - the project of six identical pavilion catering facilities along the promenade
6th phase - the project of decorating the coastal promenade in the area under the concession of Hotel Split
The expected duration of the works is 289 days for all phases, except for the 2nd phase, which includes the construction of an underground garage with 530 parking spaces, and due to the complexity of the works, the deadline is 365 days.

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