Mandre - Kolan - Pag, Mandre, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
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Mandre - Kolan - Pag, Mandre, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia

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21o C 65% 1018 hPa

A view of the small local harbor of the fishing village Mandre located in the deep bay of the Pag island. The hardworking fishermen and boats that you can see through our camera have preserved this traditional fishing spirit in the village until today.

Over the whole settlement are extending a sandy, pebble and rocky beaches surrounded by untouched nature, clear sea and a lot of greenery. Mandre is a perfect destination for families with smallf children and for those who want to spend their vacation in complete peace and quiet.

The view of the harbor will especially enchant you in the summer in the early evening hours when nature is playing with colors, and the sky takes the finest vibrant shades.

Podaci osvježeni 20.09.2024. 17:45h
Temperatura zraka 22.2 °C
Relativna vlažnost 58%
Tlak zraka 1018.1 hPa
Brzina vjetra 5.4 m/s
Udari vjetra 10 m/s
Smjer vjetra NE 44°
Oborine u posljednjih 1 sat 0.0 mm
Oborine u posljednja 24 sata 1.8 mm

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