Japetić Hilltop Panoramic View , Jastrebarsko, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
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Japetić Hilltop Panoramic View , Jastrebarsko, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia

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  • Longitude 15.609
  • Latitude 45.7489
  • Publicaton date 11. August 2020.


6o C 100% 1033 hPa

With its 879 meters, Japetić is the highest peak of the Samobor hills. It is a favorite destination for hikers and mountaineers. Not far from the top is the Žitnica Mountain Lodge.

At the very top is a pyramid for sightseeing, 12 meters high. This pyramid used to be at the top of Medvednica. It was moved after the construction of the television tower on Sljeme. It offers very beautiful views of the entire Samobor Mountains, a beautiful view of Prigorje, Žumberak, Pokuplje, Klek, and in good weather even the Alps.

Japetić is a favorite gathering place for paragliders. They hold their competitions on the meadow below the Mountain Lodge.

It has been declared a reserve of forest vegetation, due to its preserved natural beauties. The very top of the forest overgrowth, and on the ridges and sunny slopes we find meadows with numerous protected and endangered plant species. The old beech forest at the top, which spreads over 29 hectares, is protected by the Nature Protection Act.

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