International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament, 8. Galatea Cup, Vrsar, Vrsar, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
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International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament, 8. Galatea Cup, Vrsar, Vrsar, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia

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  • Longitude 13.605
  • Latitude 45.149
  • Publicaton date 11. April 2024.


7o C 64% 1017 hPa

LIve steam of the international rhythmic gymnastics tournament called the 8th Galatea CUP from the Salina sports center. Throughout the day you will be able to enjoy all the beauty and luxury of this sport.

More than 500 gymnasts between the ages of 5 and 23 will compete in individual and group exercises. Galatea cup starts on Friday, April 12 at 2:30 p.m. The competition will be opened by gymnasts of the Mini A category. From 17:00 to 19:00 on Friday, a competition in group exercises is planned, when more than 80 groups will perform, while on Saturday and Sunday, there will be an individual competition in which more than 250 gymnasts will perform. Representatives of several countries participate in the junior and senior categories.

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