Čazma, Advent Ice skating, Čazma, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
Hosted by: Grad Čazma
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Čazma, Advent Ice skating, Čazma, [ Right now, LIVE ] LiveStreaming cameras from Croatia

  • 4.482 View(s)

Camera info

  • Longitude 16.6131
  • Latitude 45.748
  • Publicaton date 22. November 2019.


5o C 59% 1028 hPa

The ice rink, which proved to be a very popular winter content last year in the town of Čazma, this year is organized in accordance to epidemiological recommendations of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia and in order to avoid the spread of Covid disease19 and to preserve the health of the population.

Skating season is open, holidays can start, fresh air and being active is certanly recommended with social distance and wearing a face mask.

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