The first Croatian cities without disposable plastic - Blog - LiveCamCroatia, Explore Croatia
The first Croatian cities without disposable plastic

The first Croatian cities without disposable plastic

Do you know that the total consumption of plastic bags in Croatia is around 200 bags per capita per year? That means 830 million bags a year in total. Putting these bags in a row, we would bridge the distance from Earth to the moon, or gird the Earth around the equator 9 times. Plastic straws, which are produced in a matter of seconds, take an average of only 10 minutes, and break down over 500 years. 80% of the plastic in the sea comes from the mainland.

Climate change has finally become the focus of the media and the public in Croatia. Although this topic has been debated for over 20 years (the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1995). Although measures to combat climate change have been in place in the strategies and directives of the European Union and the United Nations since then, it is only now that the public has become interested in this topic. Climate change became visible, floods, droughts and extreme weather conditions become commonplace, so that the focus of the media was that almost every year was warmer than the previous year and that interest in the subject finally began to emerge in Croatia. The events we witness indicate that climate change is not a problem we can leave for other times, the next decade or the next generation. They happen to us and already cause tragic events. Efforts must be made today to prevent the country from warming by 2 or even 3oC by the end of the century.

All disposable plastics will be banned from 2021. and Croatia will introduce the ban gradually following European and world practice. We want to be a country that will continue to be in the world and European top in tourism. This means protecting Croatia's environment without any alternative.

While some are just thinking about how they can take action to reduce plastics, Zlarin, Vrgorac and Rovinj have simply moved on and these cities have become the first Croatian cities without disposable plastics. They have taken small steps and are hoping for great results.

The Zlarin project - a plastic-free island whose goal is to stop using disposable plastic on the island has definitely come to life. After success at Zlarin, positive changes began to be implemented by Rovinj and Vrgorac.

There is a ban on the use of plastic packaging in urban establishments as well as in city events and should be replaced by glass and biodegradable paper packaging. Cessation of bottled water consumption at working meetings in city government and at City Council meetings. The City of Rovinj and Vrgorac intend to motivate all their citizens to dispose of disposable plastic from everyday use in order to contribute to its reduction.

Greenpeace's campaign to ban disposable plastic bags in the Monuments in Action Against Plastic project with the slogan "We can't move, but you have to" also contributes to this.

The goal of the campaign is to raise public awareness that because of the poor quality of the plastic bag, they are used shortly, because of the low price they are distributed uncontrollably and cause enormous damage to the most important environment, and it is easy to replace them with alternatives.

On Earth we need to think as we are on a ship. You have limited resources, so keep an eye on every drop of water you drink, wash, keep an eye on your electricity consumption, as it should not run out. What is our goal on Earth? Let's all live together. May we all be happy, convey the joy of living, creating, discovering and finding a way for the human race to survive for as long as possible in the future.

More about the Zlarin - plastic-free island you can read here.




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